Rescue Shop within a Yard of Hell
Stewart & Marie Dinnen
Price: ¥25.00
ISBN: 978-7-304-04225-7
Paper: 14 X 20
Pages: 202
Category: Testimony / Inspirational
About the Authors
Stewart and Marie Dinnen fulfilled numerous roles in WEC International, including the leadership of the (Missionary) Training College in Tasmania, 1960-76, and general leadership of the mission from 1984-87.
Rescue Shop takes us to the streets of Madrid ? amongst drug users, pushers and prostitutes ? where God is transforming lives made hopeless by sin. ?Living on the edge of eternity? is a reality in the former addicts? church ? half of them have AIDS, and with the urgency of dying men and women they are taking the gospel to the nations.
Rescue Shop can be divided into three sections.
Section 1, Growth of Betel. The ?Association Betel? was the name chosen for the drug rehabilitation work. (?Betel? is the Spanish word for ?Bethel?, meaning ?House of God.?) In this section you can know more of Betel?s growth and of the calling and vision of its leaders.
Section 2, The Rescue Process. This section contains sixteen accounts of drug users who have been changed by the power of God from a life of drug addiction, broken families and other terrible situations to knowing forgiveness and acceptance.
Section 3, Paying the Price. This section includes details of the worldwide effect of AIDS and interviews with Betel workers on how they interact with those seeking help.
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