Tribulation Force

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Tribulation Force
Tim LaHaye / Jerry B. Jenkins

Price: ¥25.00
ISBN: 7-80109-789-0
Paper: 15.5 X 23
Pages: 261
Category: Fiction

A gripping account of the end of the world based on the book of Revelation
Book 2 of the International Best Selling Series ? Left Behind

  • The formation of a team of unlikely people committed to combat the forces of evil
  • The terrifying start of the seven years of tribulation

About the Author
Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. JenkinsTim LaHaye is a renowned prophecy scholar, minister and educator. He has written over fifty works that have been published in over thirty languages, including Spirit-controlled Temperament which is already published in Chinese.

Jerry B. Jenkins is the author of more than one hundred books. His books can be found regularly on the New York Times best-seller lists. He and his wife, Dianna, live in Colorado Springs.

It has been half a year now since the Big Disappearance. Pilot Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe Steele, journalist Buck Williams and Pastor Bruce Barnes have now come together as a group to witness for truth and to battle the enemies of God.

They find the answer in a most surprising and seemingly unlikely place. Suddenly everything makes sense, but they learn that the disappearances have ushered in a seven-year period called the Tribulation, during which the earth will suffer from the most catastrophic calamities in its history.


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