Mountains of Spices
Hannah Hurnard
Price: ¥29.80
ISBN: 978-7-5012-4272-6
Paper: 13 X 18.4
Pages: 278
Category: Devotional
Also see: Hinds’ Feet On High Places
About the Author
Hannah Hurnard suffered from many fears and phobias. She even developed a stuttering problem that got worse when she had to speak in front of strangers. By the time she was 19, Hannah was deeply depressed. She even considered suicide, but her fears prevented her. God received the sacrifice of Hannah?s speech problem and used it for His glory. He took away her stuttering, so that she was able to share the gospel with others clearly. The Bible became a treasure and a delight even though she continued to wrestle with a spirit of fear. Over time, however, Hannah found deliverance as she continued to follow the Lord in obedience. Later, she was to write the best selling Hinds’ Feet on High Places as a result of her experiences with the Lord. She went to Israel as a missionary to the Jews in 1932, and lived there through the war for independence in 1948. In Israel, she served as a housekeeper in a hospital?a kind of work she had detested before her surrender, but now loved.
An allegory of the nine spices mentioned in Song of Solomon compared with the nine fruits of the Spirit. It personifies unhappy, tormenting attitudes of the mind, heart and temperament. Meet Mrs. Dismal Forebodings, Old Lord Fearing, Sir Arrogant, Umbrage, Resentment, Craven Fear and others. Contrast their lives with the lives of Grace and Glory, Mrs. Valiant, Mercy, Joy and Peace. Feel the tension as the tug of something better stirs unrest among the inhabitants of the Valley of Humiliation. Not all respond to the Shepherd’s gentle touch, but those who do discover that “love turned outward is true life.”
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