A Devotional Companion for Modern Women
Li Yongming etc.
Price: ¥26.00
ISBN: 978-7-5443-3472-3
Paper: 14.5 X 21
Pages: 302
Category: Devotional
Also available:
A Devotional Companion for Modern Men
- Based on biblical principles to ask women: ?Where does your worth come from??
- Helps every woman experience the value of being female
- Helps every woman realize the beauty and value in everyday life
The original version of this book was published by the Worldwide Bible Society Ltd, and all the articles were written by overseas Chinese sisters. All Scripture quotations are taken from the New Chinese Version of the Holy Bible, which is easier to understand and has an interpretation that is closer to the Greek version. This book aims to help readers obtain strength from Biblical truth, teaching them to practice right attitudes and providing tips to solve problems. This devotional can be used for 50 weeks, 6 days a week.
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