The Ten Commandments
Stuart Briscoe
Price: ¥20.00
ISBN: 978-7-106-02648-6
Paper: 14.3 X 21
Pages: 216
Category: Inspirational / Motivational
About the Author
Over the past 33 years, Stuart Briscoe has worked with youth, pastors, missionaries and lay leaders in more than 100 countries. His experience, wit, and biblical insight minister to a wide spectrum of situations and needs through his extensive video and audio tapes and25-plus books, including The Fruit of the Spirit: Cultivating Christlike Character. he has pastored Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin since 1970.
Also see: Vital Truths to Shape Your Life
In his direct and encouraging style, Stuart Briscoe examines these ten principles one at a time, applying them to current issues of life and faith. What does it mean to avoid idolatry in our present world? Or to observe the Lord?s day, fulfill our obligations to parents, or cultivate integrity in our lives? And what do these commandments have to do with Jesus Christ? Only through the life and teachings of God?s Son does the full meanings of obedience and forgiveness come into focus.
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